On January 15, Football Coach Tan Bin began training sessions with selected National Under 15 Girls. As at January 26, twelve sessions have been held with Under 15 players from KSAFA and the parishes of Clarendon, St. Elizabeth and Manchester. He will conduct sessions with players from Trelawny, St James and Hanover on the week-end of January 27-28.
Coach Bin has also observed Coach Toni Cowan conduct sessions. He has also been doing assessments of players.
The services of the coach has been provided under the China Aid Sport Coaches Technical Assistance Program between the government of China and Jamaica. The girls were part of a pool selected at the CONCACAF Women's day in November 2017. The process begins the preparation of the National Under 15 Girls squad for the 2018 CONCACAF Under 15 Girls Championship to be held in August 2018.
Profile:Woman football coach: Tan Bin, male, born in 1981, Master of physical Education and training, Lecturer in Football, 10 years experience as a coach.
Friday, January 26 marks half way through the planned training sessions and the girls will play a practice game against Hope Family Under 15 Boys beginning at 4:00pm at the UWI Captain Horace Burrell Center of Excellence.