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Ministry of Health to spend $ 1Billion more one Dengue outbreak!

Mr. Speaker, I rise to give an update to this honourable house and the nation on the current and on-going challenge of the Dengue Outbreak that the country faces.

This honourable house will recall, Mr. Speaker, that the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has declared a pandemic in the Latin America and Caribbean Region with more than 2 Million cases and some 800 deaths in the first seven months of this year.

In addition to dengue, this period of the year, Mr. Speaker, represents the peak season for upper respiratory tract infections, asthma and gastroenteritis, coupled with higher incidences of trauma from motor vehicle accidents and violence.

Having declared an outbreak, Mr. Speaker, on January 3, 2019, the Ministry of Health & Wellness has ramped up its Enhanced Vector Control Programme.

Programme to Date

To date, Mr. Speaker, the country has spent an estimated J$581 Million Dollars on the response, including, Mr. Speaker,

  • Providing J$60M to NSWMA for Solid Waste Removal

  • Expanding the Fogging Programme in high risk communities

  • Allocating approximately J$320M to Municipal Corporation and MPs for Vector Control activities in Communities

  • And rolling out a Public Education campaign in all forms of media.

Additionally, Mr. Speaker, the Ministry has:

  • Increased Clinic Hours in some health centres from 3pm to 8pm

  • Provided Free Treatment for Children under 12 years at the University Hospital of the West Indies and

  • Activated Emergency Operation Centres at the Ministry and in all Parishes

Mr. Speaker, we have also

  • Reviewed and Updated all Clinical Protocols for Dengue and distributed them to Private and Public Doctors and

  • Hosted Clinical Sessions with Private and Public Doctors for treatment of Dengue cases

At the same time, Mr. Speaker, we have also received technical support from PAHO, which has been reviewing our dengue response.

Dengue Cases to Date

As at November 7, 2019, Mr. Speaker, the National Surveillance Unit in the Ministry of Health & Wellness had in its electronic database a total of 12,794 notifications for dengue received between January 1, 2018 and November 7, 2019 (2,235 in 2018 and 10,559 since 2019).

Of the 12,794 notifications for the period, Mr. Speaker, 7,179 cases, with dates of onset in the period under review, have been classified as suspected, presumed or confirmed (1,065 with dates of onset in 2018 and 6,114 (85%) with dates of onset in 2019).

Mr. Speaker, the majority of the suspected/presumed/confirmed cases were female, with the burden of the number of cases greatest among the 25 to 59 year old cohort followed by the 5 to 14-year old cohort.

However, Mr. Speaker, the highest rate of dengue cases was among the 5 to 14 year olds, followed by children 1 to 4 years old.

Mr. Speaker, I wish to make a correction to the report that was made in parliament regarding the statistics around the number of deaths. Deaths are notified as they occur, before there is full analysis of the case and before post mortems and results are available. All the notified cases are investigated and outstanding results are collected and analyzed. Based on this, the final classification is made. Not all notified deaths end up being classified as Dengue related deaths.

As such, Mr. Speaker, as at November 7, there were 61 suspected/confirmed deaths, of which 17 were in 2018 and 44 in 2019.

Mr. Speaker, the age group with the largest number of suspected and confirmed dengue-related deaths was the 5 to 14 years old cohort.

Mr. Speaker, it cannot be overstated that the pace and intensity of the interventions are now taking its toll on health care workers. The Ministry is currently making efforts to increase the staff complement to affected areas to provide more opportunities for breaks as needed and reduce the risk of burnout.

In addition, Mr. Speaker, the Ministry’s blood transfusion service is challenged to keep up with the demand for blood platelets to treat the serious/severe dengue cases. The Blood Bank will continue its drive to increase its blood supply and I wish to make an emphatic appeal to members of the public, who are able to, to donate blood today.

$1 Billion Additional Expenditure

Mr. Speaker, given the intensity of this dengue outbreak, I have sought and received Cabinet’s approval to enhance our intervention. This intervention will see a $1Billion Dollar expenditure over the next 3 months.

Our enhanced intervention includes the establishment of a National Dengue Coordination Committee, as we seek to include a multi-sectoral/agency response.

Mr. Speaker, the key Ministries, Agencies and Departments will be called into action, including:

  • Ministry of Local Government and Community Development – to mobilize the Local Boards of Health, as part of the coordination at the parish level;

  • Social Development Commission – to undertake Community activation sessions for high-risk communities to include community meetings and town hall sessions;

  • National Solid Waste Management Authority – to expand the removal of solid waste, especially bulky waste from communities;

  • Ministry of Education, Youth & Information – to mobilize schools to undertake Dengue sensitization sessions;

  • Ministry of Industry Commerce Agriculture and Fisheries – Mobilize RADA Extension Officers to engage farmers on proper water storage techniques and for them to undertake breeding site eradication strategies; and

  • National Works Agency – to undertake drain cleaning programmes and bushing activities to reduce mosquito breeding sites, especially in communities with high indices.

Mr. Speaker, this Step-Up Activity also will see:

  • Approval of the Emergency Procurement of 35 Vector Control Vehicles and mounted foggers;

  • The planning and execution of a National Mosquito Eradication Day in conjunction with the National Labour Day Secretariat in the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport; and

  • Approval for the extension of the 1000 temporary Vector Control Programme to at least 6 months after the outbreak has been declared at an end.

Mr. Speaker, again I make a special appeal to all Jamaicans, to partner with the Government by taking action, including searching their surroundings for mosquito breeding sites in and around the home and to visit their doctor or health centre as necessary. Thank you.

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